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Through conferences, round tables, workshops... we raise awareness among organisations and schools to engage them for youth.

Our convictions

We carry these convictions with joy, courage and humility. As Edgar Morin said: “It’s too late to be pessimistic!”  

Youth, a magnifying glass on the times

The aspirations and expectations of Gen Z (current youth, born between 1995 and 2010) mirror those of a changing society and with it, of all generations. 

Youth is plural

"Youth is just a word" said Bourdieu. In fact, youth is diverse and always has been. There are even more differences within a generation than between generations!

​Being young today 

Watch out for cynicism and shortcuts

The generational divide has existed for thousands of years: reducing young people to laziness, hypocrisy or impertinence is nothing new. Let's move away from caricatured categorisations (whatever the generation)!

More than a human ressources challenge

The transformation of organisations depends on their ability to attract, engage, retain and associate their talents (all of them!). We are talking about economic, financial, social... strategic issues!

The strength of intergenerational 

In the face of these challenges, particularly the environmental ones, we believe that intergenerational relations (in the sense of the inclusion of generations) are the most powerful lever for transformation.

Let's not confuse the effects of age (being 20 years old) with the effects of generation (being 20 years old in 2024): youth cannot be "old"! 

Sticker Bla Bla Bla

Some of our conferences

Since its creation, the team took part in more than 100 conferences

across Europe to convey our messages. 

Conference CJD Toulouse Jasmine Manet
How to reconcile the
CJD - May 13, 2022
Conference Avoiding the Big Quit Hacking de l'Hôtel de Ville Jasmine Manet
Avoid the Big Quit
City Hall Hacking -
September 21, 2022
Conférence Havas Emmanuelle Duez
New Deal
Havas – September 27, 2022
La Colloc Conference Jasmine Manet
Conference The Economic Meetings of Aix-en-Provence Jasmine Manet
Végétal Connect Conference Lucile Jourde-Moalic
Recruit and retain Generation Z
Végétal Connect – September 12, 2023
Round Table Festival Think Forward Jasmine Manet
Think Forward Festival - September 21, 2023
Mission Locale Conference of the Pays de Lorient employment network Lou Aubay
Who are the young people? Local network for employment in Lorient - October 5, 2023
Table Ronde Luxembourg Sustainability Forum Gabrielle Pastel
Behind your work
Luxembourg Sustainability Forum - October 26, 2023

Spotted in the press

Logo Ouest France
“Work, training, health… In this laboratory of ideas, young people build their solutions”
Logo Les Echos
“Young people are the first lever of transformation”
Logo Welcome To The Jungle
 "Shadow comex: the initiative supposed to give young people a voice"
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